And it goes KABOOM

Whats a great day to play with fireworks? VICTORIAS DAY!!! After many failed attempts to light up the fireworks, by the end of the night we were able to finish all of themI think. It was such a wonderful day for fireworks, well not exactly because it did get quite windy later on the night which made it extremely difficult to light with the lighters, the wind kept blowing it out. To be honest, this night was quite messy, with last minute calls to last minute purchases of fireworks. I wanted to play with fireworks so badly but I knew many places were closed but thank god for Party packagers that decided to stay open for a bit. With the expensive fireworks I purchased, we had gathered some friends with some last minute invites and chilled at the nearest park. I really enjoyed the night, the breeze and the fireworks, although they werent as spectacular as the ones from Wonderland but it was really nice, its also a plus because it is my FIRST time playing with fireworks. This late night hang out session was worth it even though I did piss my parents off for ignoring their calls but eh YOLO J (just felt like throwing that in there)  


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