What are you passionate about?

I have feeling that everyone must have one thing they are passionate about doing as a career, whether or not the pay is high or just enough to live off of. We now live in a society where living expenses are extremely high and wages are not increasing alongside with it making it extremely difficult for many people to survive with certain degrees or jobs. I personally feel that society is pushing people to take on studies that leads them to a career that will pay really well so they can live an extravagant lifestyle, which is fair. However the question is, are many people passionate about their high paying jobs that they are studying for or working for? That question cannot be answered in certainty as some will argue that many people are actually very passionate about their high paying jobs, which is fair and something to be happy about. 

However for myself, I am almost done my undergraduate degree and I'm not saying I'm not passionate about my field of study, I am but as for a career, I think there is another field that I am more passionate about. I love to plan, to organize and to run events. Not small events but huge events like fashion shows, weddings, concerts, talent shows etc. I loved to plan and organize events and even when as a student in elementary school or high school, I always took part in a variety of events. I'd help out with the graduation ceremonies either through setting up chairs, decorations, or making pamphlets and etc, just to ensure that everything looked great! I also even tried to plan and organize a fashion show for the community at my school to raise money for Uganda. Unfortunately, due to the fact that I was still very young and did not have much experience and ambition, it did not go through. However that did not stop me from enjoying event planning. 

During my high school years, I took part in a numerous amount of extracurricular activities that allowed me to further expand my skills in event planning. I took on the responsibility to plan and organize the school's athletic banquet, which I am still very proud about. There were sporting events, dance battles, and other small typical high school events that me and some school mates joined together to organize. Although my experience in event planning has never been anything huge or extravagant but I still love it. I know that event planning is stressful and incorporates a lot of hard work but for some odd reason, I enjoy it, especially the aftermath of it. That feeling when a event runs successfully and having people tell you what a wonderful job you have done, all the hard work and stress pays off. 

I've always wanted to produce a huge and successful charity fashion show and potentially become a wedding planner as well. It is difficult to get into these fields and of course, with the lack of business degree or event planning education, it is unlikely that I could get hired as a event planner for such events. However, that does not stop me from trying to do something that I am passionate about. Keep watching out because there just may be a Charity Fashion Show coming soon! (jokes....not really....maybe...who knows lol) 

Credits: google 
I did not plan any of these events in the pics however I would love it one day be able to


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