The mind never stops

Ever thought about how simple life would be if we'd all stop thinking too much? Thinking too much may make the best out of you but it can also make the worst out of you. It's like angel vs. devil kind of scenario. It can potentially bring out the best you've got or it can also bring out the worst of you that you'd never thought you could ever be.

Sometimes I wish that the mind can work like a computer. You can hide things, store it somewhere else, bring it back when you want to, and the best part of it, to delete something forever. But we know that when we delete something on the computer, it's not necessary gone forever but I mean, it is gone, deleted, out of sight and out of mind kind of thing. If you'd want to retrieve it back, you'd have to try really really hard. Unless you're smart with technology. In the end, I personally wish that there is a 'Stop' button or 'Delete' button whenever I'm thinking too much because it bothers me, quite badly too. Although it is good to tell someone, to let it out of your system and yes, you would feel better and it'd probably stop bothering you for a while. However, can one really always tell someone what they're thinking? I mean, it can get repetitive and annoying. No one's got the time to always hear the same thing over and over again, they'd get tired. So what do you? Keep it all in your mind and let it bother you?


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